Welcome New Hams, Old Hams and those who want to be Hams!
Welcome to the Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club (VBARC). We are an active club, with over 100 members. You can join us on the net multiple times a week, in person at our weekly breakfast, or on our radios every Saturday in a local park. You don't need to be a member to join us. We are currently taking dues for 2025. Payment deadline is end of March, or at the monthly club meeting on March 13. See more in the 'membership and member dues' paragraph below.
Become a Member
VBARC Groups.io is Here. Please join up to stay current.
Folks have requested an Groups.io email exchange, so it's done (thank you Jim K). Members are able to post questions and answers to the groups.io email address. The message board is currently public, so anyone can view the messages, click this <link>. You don't need to sign up to see the message board.
For now, VBARC groups.io membership will be limited to Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club members. Jim K/K2JJK is lead, Bob L/KK6WYW is assisting. We are interested to find someone who wants to take lead. Are you interested in becoming the moderator/lead?
What's going on
1. Tue: Clubhouse: The Club House will be TBD on Tuesday, Feb 18. Typical Tue hours are 10 am - 3 PM. We annouce at Monday 7:30 pm Emergency Net if we are having a "Club House Day". Club House day might also include breakfast at Tuesday, 8:30 am, at Country Ham N Egg Restaurant, 478 US-1, Sebastian, FL 32958. If you plan to attend either, please RSVP to John Davis at 772-404-8570.
2. Thur: Breakfast Thursday AM, Feb 20.
3. QRP: Saturday, Feb 22, 8-12, with lunch TBD.
4. Elmer training: New to the club or new to ham radio? Is there anything you want our Elmers to help you with? Contact Jim Davis/W2JKD for details or attend Sat QRP at 11 am weekly.
5. Fire Dept, Airport: Sunday, Feb 23 (CERT)
6. Sheriff's BBQ: Wed, Feb 26, 2-7 pm. 4055 41st Ave.
7. FireFighters Fair: Mar 14-23, Indian River Fairgrounds (includes CERT)
8. Stuart Hamfest: 50th Annual, Sat, March 15, 8 am - 2 pm, Martin County Fairgrounds, Stuart, FL. <https://www.mcaraweb.com/event-5968686>
9. Indian River Region AACA’s 46th Annual Show at Riverside Park in Vero Beach FL, 10am until 4pm. Over 325 cars are expected. https://indianriver.aaca.com/upcoming-events-and-shows/
10. Hurricane Expo, Sat, April 26 here in Vero Beach (CERT and HAM).
11. Summery (ARRL) Field day is Sat-Sun, June 28-29. We are looking for someone to lead the event, are you interested?? Contact Eric L/UJO or Jan G/GGJ.
Old News
1. Orlando HamCation was a great success, we had fun and sold a lot of equipement. $$ will appear on the groups.io when they become available or at the March meeting.
2. Winter Field Day - was a great succces. We're going to put together the final point spread, want more info, ask Eric L/UJO. Final results will be published on the groups.io.
3. Joe's All American Cafe Grill is permanently closed We'll miss it.
Monthly Club Meetings
Our club has it's main meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm. Location: Indian River County (IRC) Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 4225 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32967. Our next club meeting is Thur, Mar 13. You do not need to be a member to attend and find out more about our club and ham radio. Our normal monthly schedule is: 1st Thur - no activity, 2nd Thur - Club Mtg (7:30 PM), 3rd Thur - License Testing (7 PM), 4th Thur - ARES (7 PM), 5th Thur - no activity.
Weekly Nets
1. Mon: Emergency Net: 7:30pm, FM RX 146.64, TX 146.04, tone 107.2, (echolink: K4CPJ-R Mon only)
2. Mon: Net About Nothing ... Much: 8pm, FM RX 53.33, TX 52.33, tone 100, echolink: KG4ORQ-R
3. Tue: IRC ARES Net: 7:30pm, FM RX 145.13, TX 144.63, tone 107.2, 40 watts, echolink: KM4MCK-R
4. Tue: IRC ARES Winlink Net: All week ending Tuesday at 5pm. To participate see the ARES Group menu tab on the left.
5. Tue: D-Star net: Tuesday, 8:30pm to 9:00pm on Reflector 078C
6. Tue: DMR net: Tuesday, 9:00pm in talk group 31123
7. Wed: Out of Towner Net: Wednesday, 8pm, FM RX 53.33, TX 52.33 tone 100, echolink: KG4ORQ-R
8. Sun: Skywarn Training and Practice Net: Sunday, 9pm, 146.775, tone 107.2, echolink: AF4CN-R
9. Daily: Treasure Coasters 7.153 prenet 6.45 am (N1PZB), net 7:45-8:45 am, NOTE frequency, Extras Only.
10. Daily: South Florida ARES net 3.940 7:45-8:00 am check in by county. Logged: Logger.PlumTX.com
Thursday Breakfast
Every Thursday morning, 8:30 am.
Where: Nettie's Roadside Restaurant
Address: 2555 27th Ave, Suite G-6, Vero Beach, FL 32960.
All are welcome.
If you don't know us, ask for the Ham club. We're in the back room.
Kat took a VBARC group picture in Aug. Nettie hung it up on the wall in the back room.
<Click here to see a bigger picture>
Flex Radio Group
As you know, the club has a flex radio. We are planning to change the log-in crentials in April. Be sure to sign up if you're interested. Rick W/N4WRW is our Flex Radio committee lead.
Facebook Page
Visit our Facebook Page to find out more about the club; it includes pictures and other events. You don't need to have a Facebook account to visit the Facebook page, but you need to have account to make comments.
VBARC Mailing Address - for Dues and Meetings
Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club
4225 43rd Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32967
Membership and Member Dues
We are taking dues for 2025. The deadline is the end of March.
Pay on-line or pay in person at the Thursday, March 13th club meeting.
Best to pay at our the club meetings by check or cash.
Optionally Credit card payment; use the menu link on top left or below.
On-line is great for new members, application auto fills on-line, try it.
VBARC Member $20, VBARC Family Dues $30
Separate donation for the Treasure Coasters Repeaters Association: $20 ($21 when done on-line).
Pay Dues or Become a Member
Become A Ham and Amateur Radio Exam Opportunities
See the Testing and Training link on the left side menu. Attend any club event to find out more about becoming a ham.
About our Club
Want more info about our club, see and click the "About Us" menu link on the left side or the top of this webpage. The Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club thanks the Indian River County Emergency Operations Center for their support of our club and Amateur Radio. Thank You!
Treasure Coast Ham News
The Treasure Coast Ham News Winter 2024 issue is here. Treasure Coast Ham News is not affiliated with any amateur radio club. It is free and published quarterly for the benefit of all area hams and interested parties. If you would like to be included in their email newsletter list, please send an email to: tchamnews@gmail.com. TCHN is always looking for articles of interest. If you or your club have an item please email the publishers at the address above. Visit their website at: https://treasurecoasthams.com/
Club Shirts and Logo Pins
T-shirts can be viewed and purchased at the following website: www.zazzle.com/store/w4ot_vbarc. Pins can be purchased by VBARC members for $2 each or $4 for non members. They are nice pins and have proven to be popular! Pins are available at club meetings or Contact the Club.
The Virtual Ticketing Progam is usefull at hamfests for attendee ticketing, awarding prizes and marketing. Contact John Other HAM software here: KK4SHF @ PlumTX.com
--- Feb 17, 2025 (Bob L) ---